A lively and practical course focusing on what high quality RE looks like, how to set effective tasks in RE that will ensure progression and trialling a range of activities to encourage learning through active engagement in RE. Areas to be covered include:
This course is designed to support those teachers and teaching assistants in primary schools who regard themselves as non-specialists, but who find that they have been asked to teach RE. It aims to provide non- specialist teachers of RE with ideas and strategies to help them to teach primary RE with increased confidence. There will be a mix of tutor led input and discussions but the main focus of the course will be trying out new ideas and activities and considering how to use them in your RE teaching.
A creative course developing pedagogy in which any teacher can build high quality RE through exploring the arts and literature. It aims to provide specialists and non specialist teachers of RE with strategies to help them to teach RE creatively and with increased confidence. The focus is on enhancing the teaching of Christianity, an area of ‘specific concern’ highlighted by Ofsted. There will be a mix of tutor led input and discussions with opportunities to try out a range of new ideas and activities and consider how to use them to enhance teaching and learning across the primary curriculum.
The essential skills and techniques for outstanding subject leadership. This course aims to give practical advice that will enable subject leaders to ensure that RE is playing a full part in transforming learning and teaching in their school communities. By attending this course delegates will develop understanding of what it means for leadership and management in RE to be successful according to Ofsted. Colleagues will explore evaluative tools to monitor and assess the quality of their RE provision; learn how to motivate and manage colleagues effectively; develop pupil-centred strategies to ensure engagement of learners, to maximise pupil achievement and to lead the learning in RE, creating an environment and curriculum that supports outstanding learning and progress.
For those teachers who have never lead on RE before, delegates will evaluate the skills needed to be an effective subject leader. Using discussion, guidance and workshop activities, there will be a focus on leadership and management of the subject area, planning and resourcing, teaching and learning.
This twilight or one-day course is for all those who teach Primary RE. It will introduce and provide clear guidance for the attainment for RE set out in the statutory locally Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education. Delegates will explore the “How? What? and Why?” of assessment in Religious Education, some misconceptions and some easy ways of incorporating assessment for learning into the RE classroom. Throughout the day, participants will share numerous examples of setting appropriate high quality RE tasks that aim to raise expectations and pupil attainment. Participants will explore practical multi faith examples, focussing on the learning needs of pupils from EYFS to Year 6. The course will balance the assessment of learning about religion with the assessment of learning from religion. Teachers will examine self, peer and teacher assessment, moving RE towards a manageable marking, recording and reporting system.
The purpose of this session is to enable Foundation Stage teachers to gain knowledge and understanding of the requirements for teaching Religious Education set out in their RE Agreed Syllabus, to increase understanding of ways in which to improve the quality of RE in EYFS and to share strategies of good teaching and learning which will inspire both teachers and pupils alike.
A unique opportunity for teachers of all Key Stages to gain first hand experience places of religious importance in their locality. Participants will be given guided tours, practical demonstrations, refreshments and opportunities to ask questions and share observations with members of three faith groups represented. Delegates will be given time to reflect on on the atmosphere and the way each place is used, its meaning and significance. Through discussion and practical activity, teachers will consider how such work can play a key role in contributing to the RE curriculum. Minimum delegate number 10.
A practical and highly acclaimed course designed to explore inspiring RE at each Key Stage. Teachers will examine progression through trialling a wide range of ideas and strategies for their age range. An opportunity to develop RE skills including enquiry and stilling and to explore themes such us belonging, rules, celebration, diversity. There will be a mix of tutor led input and discussions, but the main focus of the day will be trying out new ideas and activities and considering how to use them to ensure creative RE teaching and to raise pupil attainment.
To increase delegates understanding of ways in which to improve the quality of successful RE. Gain knowledge and understanding of the local Agreed Syllabus requirements for teaching Religious Education. Colleagues will examine ways in which assessment for learning can be used to plan and assess tasks. Share strategies of good teaching which will inspire teachers and pupils and consider sources of support for the teaching of RE at each Key Stage.