Breathe RE

Breathe RE

Religious education training and consultancy
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Get REady

Implement your locally agreed Primary RE Syllabus.

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Leading RE for the first time in 2023-24?

Breathe RE can support you.

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The Big RE Day

An exciting approach to discovering Britain’s living faiths.

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Need some Curriculum Oxygen?

Discover our RE sample training packages.

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What we do


a range of inspirational and practical Religious Education training, which raises pupil attainment and progress through transformational classroom teaching and learning, leadership development and enhanced practitioner confidence and pedagogy.


specialist support, bespoke training, consultancy and professional development on all aspects of Religious Education and collective worship. Sessions are available for twilight training, half or full day staff INSET.


pre and post Ofsted advice and highly effective systems for school improvement. Breathe RE creates exciting new curriculum models; provides servicing and continuous support for SACREs, including initiating, writing and implementing the county Agreed Syllabus for RE.


high impact training and consultancy programmes for teachers and subject leaders, SACREs, education professionals, parents, governors, faith communities and schools consortia.

Meet the Team

Breathe RE Consultant Director, Lisa Kassapian

Lisa Kassapian is an inspirational Religious Education Consultant with an excellent reputation for providing quality advice and high impact training for RE, Collective Worship and Spiritual Development.

Lisa studied at University of Warwick where she was awarded a first class honours degree. She has taught in primary, middle and secondary schools leading RE, Art and Literacy across the curriculum; before working for 10 years as Hertfordshire’s RE Adviser. Lisa is a successful independent trainer and consultant working across a range of LA’s and writing for local and national Religious Education publications.

Breathe RE Consultant Trainer, Ellie Olmer

Ellie Olmer is a skilled and motivational educator with significant teacher training experience. She facilitates a number of community cohesion projects focussing on diversity and inclusion.

Ellie has written and advised on numerous Religious Education documents from policy to practice. Ellie has extensive experience in Holocaust education and teaching, providing a reflective and challenging approach to support both the primary and secondary sectors.

In the classroom, Ellie is an experienced and dynamic RE specialist with a reputation for delivering engaging, creative and imaginative teaching, raising standards and inspiring good practice.